Vac 2024/05/21



  • `admin“
    • 1.5 CC day off
  • codex:cdx
    • read Codex business related docs (Frederico)
    • reviewed and extended Codex’ Incentive Mechanisms (Frederico)
    • Reviewing internal and external materials (Martin)
    • Commented on Codex tokenomics and on investor strategy docs (Juan)
  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • continued the restructure of the previous work under a newly defined strategy (Frederico)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • caught up with the current state (Frederico)
    • Looking into further L2 economic models, internal discussions (Martin)
    • Discussion with LiFi team (Juan)
    • Finished writeup on swap aggregator (Juan)
  • waku:general-incentives
    • caught up with the current state (Frederico)
    • Sync with the Waku team and mapping out potential for TKE support after reprioritization (Martin)
    • Updating Waku Tokenomics Notion (Martin)
  • status:SNT-staking
    • Chats with potential partners for the swap product; analysis of the industry (Martin)


  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale
    • Repeated deployments with waku v0.26
      • 1 to 3K nodes, with 1 msg per 1, 5, 10 seconds
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k
    • Ran 10K deployments to test noise levels post-insulation
    • Continued work on metrics + DNS stability
  • vac:dst:tooling:vac:visualiser-tool:
    • Finished implementing the visualization part as a Jupyter notebook
      • Still remaining: Evaluate how to propperly visualize thousands of nodes
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:vac:libp2p-version-testing
    • Analyzed Yamux issue
      • Looks like keep-alive flag was the root of the cause (at waku level).
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:codex:testnet
    • Migrated Codex VacLab storage to SeaweedFS
    • Re-created Codex Kubernetes access


  • waku:interop-testing
    • store content topic fix(@Florin)
    • store v3 PR(@Florin)
    • worked with SP to translate the store v3 message hashing mechanism from nim to python (@Florin)
    • investigated with Richard some interop store v3 issues(@Florin)
    • update lightpush tests with big payloads based on latest nwaku fix(@Florin)
  • waku:test-automation-sharding
    • Merge Nwaku PR and closed the milestone(@Alex)
  • waku:test-automation-nwaku
    • Merge Peer & Connection Management PR and closed the milestone(@Alex)
  • waku:test-automation-rln
    • Finally get node to node onchain test working(@Alex)
    • Briefly investigate alternative methods. Didn’t manage to get it working, left for later, worth investigating: Improve developer experience and discard potential bugs.(@Alex)
  • nomos:test-automation-cryptarchia
    • Read Nomos documentation and related papers(@Alex)
  • admin/misc
    • Catch up with things that I missed while on vacation(@Florin)
    • OOO All week(@Roman)


  • secure-channels:waku:fd-design
  • secure-channels:waku:mls-design
    • Started preparing the talk for Brussels.
  • zerokit:vac:zerokit-v0.5
  • rlnp2p:waku:rln-doc-and-outreach
  • secure-channels:waku:ethereum-chat
  • rlnp2p:waku:rlnv2-e2e
    • new milestone discussion and agreement with waku research
    • started converting waku-rln-contract to standalone repo since their requirements are more specific now
  • stealth-address-kit:vac:research
    • presented stealth address kit to the EIP Discussions call with the SC t





  • gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-simulation
    • Completed staggered message sending approach for current (priority queues). The branch is available as draft PR for discussions.
    • The implementation shows upto 5% latency gains on most of the test runs, and significant bandwidth saving is achieved.
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
  • vac:admin
    • Worked on BloomFilter, KZG, and Verkle Trees blogs and presentation for LOGOS research call.
    • Provided feedback on Akshaya’s notes as requested 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • vac:dr:anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
    • Reviewed and discussed the architecuture of state separation and took some decisions regarding the smart contracts types (Ugur + Moudy)
    • Improved the prototype by adding private-only and public-only smart contracts (Ugur)
    • Created examples of executions consist of two functions for end-to-end execution (Moudy + Ugur)
  • proofsystems:vac:research-existing-proof-systems
    • Started working on a writeup about Greco zk proofs (Rostyslav)
  • proofsystems:vac:benchmarks
    • Did further review on what should be included in the blogpost (was put on hold to finish the zkvms research list etc) (Moudy)
  • virtual-machine-creation:vac:vm-foundations
    • Published a detailed issue including the list of the Zkvms that we need to look into and all the requirements to cover (Moudy)
    • Started researching existing zkVM’s (Team)