Vac 2024/09/16



  • admin/misc
    • read paper from shared by Frederico (Juan)
  • nomos:selfish-behavior
    • started studying the selfish proposing problem in PoS (Frederico)
  • codex:cdx
    • researched details to be solved before launching the Codex token (Frederico)
    • Read/commented on whitepaper (Juan)
    • worked on refining sims code (Juan)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • discussed with Cats Fishing the probability of a fish biting the hook (Frederico)
    • analyze successfull campaigns and strategies of competing L2s (Martin)
    • discussion around the reward scheme in Cats Fishing (Martin)
    • Mostly worked on catsfishing modeling namely: price dynamics, fish population as a function of players, token distribution (Juan)
    • Planned meeting with Ned (Juan)
  • status:SNT-staking
    • catching up on SC’s work on the staking contract (Martin)
  • waku:general-incentives
    • further researching micropayments (Martin)
    • updating TDC (Martin)
    • reviewing Sergei’s work (Martin)
  • codex:testnet-incentive
    • reviewing docs (Martin)


  • admin:misc
    • Submitted PR for revising milestones for DST and a few other tweaks in logos roadmap
    • Two CCs OOO
      • Alberto from 10th to 20th of September
      • Wings from 13th to 20th of September
    • Prepare documentation for OOO of each CC
      • Alberto prepared notes and materials on how to do IDONTWANT testing and other
      • Wings prepared to deliver reports on Monday
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:codex:testnet
    • Discussions with Codex team re: testnet needs
      • 50 Codex nodes carving up 500TB of storage
      • Discussion with Jesse about Codex needs
    • Preparing for Codex storage deployment
      • SeaweedFS maintenance
      • Reviewing documentation for Codex
      • Reading Discord chatter about Codex deployment and how it’ll work
      • Discussion of Helm/Kubernetes charts for Codex


  • waku:interop-testing-02
    • store sync merged the PR(@Florin)
    • fixed the lightpush errors caused by recent nwaku changes(@Florin)
    • fixes sharding tests related to recent nwaku changes(@Florin)
    • Clone the main repo: Waku Interop Tests(@Sam)
    • Set up the project by installing all dependencies as specified in the repository documentation(@Sam)
    • Run a few existing tests to familiarize yourself with the codebase(@Sam)
    • Framework understanding and execution of existing test cases locally(@Sam)
    • understanding waku existing APIs and flows(@Sam)
  • waku:test-automation-status-go-cli-2
    • added reruns for flaky tests and other adjustments for status-cli tests(@Florin)
  • nomos:test-automation-data-availability
  • vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p
    • Talk to Florin on Testplans: Untestable cases + Speed(@Alex)
    • Update Gossipsub - Peer discovery(@Alex)
    • Gossipsub - Control Messages Draft PR(@Alex)
    • Begin Nim Quickstart Guide(@Alex)


  • secure-channels:waku:mls-poc
    • Review RFC with KSR’s comments in mind. Linter and sembr errors, and on-chain components ammended.
    • Preparation of forum post about RFC.
    • Code review for Waku. Notion document.
    • Discussions in Vac’s forum on plausible deniability.
  • zerokit:vac:maintenance
    • Merged PR with stateless rln-wasm
    • Merged CI bug regarding building rln-cli
    • Fixed CI actions version bug - ready for review now
    • Created benchmarks for different compression type of arkzkey. Add all result into release issue
  • anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity
    • Update on the Mix protocol PR. Firstly, PoW has been moved to the appendix and other minor comments in the PR have been addressed.
    • Merged PR the first PR of Mixnet RFC
    • Drafted the blog post on custom Mix Protocol for the VAC forum.
    • Review the mix repo and related issue.
    • Crate a draft milestone for mixnet and discuss with Akshaya
    • Read mixnet blog post from Akshaya.
  • admin/misc
    • 1 cc take rest on Wednesday(11th September) and Thursday(12th September) because of illness.





  • admin/misc
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
    • Began investigating Plonk wrappers for final step.


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
    • Prepared a list of answers for engineers regarding Sandbox implementation. [Moudy + Team]
    • Finished drafting different case scenarios for different types of executions to be used for testing. [Moudy]
    • Researching existing node implementation projects. [Moudy]
    • Began working on missing component for membership proof and non-membership proofs for nullifiers and committed UTXO trees. [Marvin][DR]
    • Refine the VM & zkVM collab docs. [Ugur][ACZ]
    • Discuss a third way to execute SE\DE with Marvin. [Ugur][ACZ] + [Marvin][DR]
  • zkvm:vac:vm-foundations
    • Finished reading node specifications + prepared questions [Rostyslav + Oleksandr]
    • Started writing a follow-up blogpost with Zkvms testing results and conclusion. [Mo