Vac 2024/08/26


  • nimlibp2p:vac:webrtc-transport
    • Sctp Protocol
      • Fix some issues after the merge of DTLS
      • Add async exception tracking & tracker counter
      • Prune some useless part
      • Add tests
      • Try to fix CI issues on window and macos
  • nimlibp2p:vac:quic
  • nimlibp2p:vac:maintenance
    • Fix workflow name issue
    • Interop Caching
      • Investigate caching mechanisms: GHA action based vs script based
      • Post current state on Discord.
    • Test windows-2019 (diegos’s suggestion) for multihash-poseidon; for far no result


  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • reviewed the statistical analyses (Frederico)
    • Merged statistical analyses into main doc (Juan)
  • nomos:selfish-behavior
    • continued developing the code required for this study (Frederico)
  • codex:cdx
    • further reviewed the simulation code (Frederico)
    • met Codex to discuss current state and next steps (Frederico)
    • defined next tasks (Frederico)
    • further improved the simulation code (Juan)
    • met Codex to discuss current state and next steps (Juan)
    • defined next tasks (Juan)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • reviewed the work on swap aggregator (Frederico)
    • caught up with the XP program discussion (Frederico)
    • following up with Cyp and discussing cooldown periods (didn’t take place last week) (Martin)
    • detailed suggestions for cats fishing reward scheme (Martin)
    • caught up with catsfishing docs (Juan)
  • waku:general-incentives
    • reviewed RLN specs PR (Frederico)
    • discussing the credits system with the team and analyzing tokenomic potential and bottlenecks (Martin)
  • status:SNT-staking
    • following latest edits (Martin)
  • others
    • research and a call with the distribution platform devs on bonding curve design (Martin)
    • suggesting a points system for ordinals (Martin)
    • exploring project ideas for ETHOnline (Martin)
    • research and a call with the distribution platform devs on bonding curve design (Juan)
    • reviewed/discussed points system for ordinals (Juan)


  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale:
    • Creating a new branch for concurrent log analysis
    • Continued simulations with perf analysis for Gabriel
    • Meeting with Zoltan + Ivan re: message duplication
      • Consistently happens in TWN
      • We should try multiple different versions
  • admin/misc
    • Finished backups for DST-DeepResearch machine teardown
    • brainstorming around understanding and measuring distributed systems and their properties



  • zerokit:vac:maintenance
    • Finished stateless feature. Now PR ready fo review
    • Fixed bug with no running test in this PR
    • Started working on issue with adding timestamp into signal. Based on this issue in waku
  • secure-channels:waku:mls-poc
    • Discuss the necessity and features of benchmarks with Ekaterina.
    • Discuss the content of de-mls testnet with Ekaterina.
    • Fixed linter error from smart contract PR
    • Created new demo
    • Review of latest PRs.
    • Started theoretical analysis of deMLS.
  • anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity
    • Review of latest PRs.
    • Found an issue with filler and beta computation in our spec - fixed the issue, updated the implementation.
    • Sphinx packet wrapping and unwrapping works correctly as in test_sphinx.nim.
  • admin/misc
  • consulting:codex:proxy-re-encryption
    • Creation of draft for a forum post on Codex research.
    • Started research on the cryptographic components of Codex.





  • admin/misc
  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
    • Studied different articles/blogs regarding p2p protocols’ performance/improvements. Added relevant works to zotero (under VacP2P/P2P)
  • gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-improvements-paper
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
    • Finished notes on Spartan and Pari


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
    • Published the blogpost [Moudy]
    • Started looking into different components in specific. [Moudy]
    • Worked on UTXOs Lifecycle [Moudy]
    • Worked on ephemeral keys and UTXOs [Moudy]
    • Work on public key setup, and key agreement (for private/shielded executions) [Marvin][DR]
    • Study details of key specification [Ugur][ACZ]
    • Discuss and create a topic list with Marvin for detailed architecture. [Ugur][ACZ]
  • zkvm:vac:vm-foundations
    • Work on the lits of ZkVMs:
      • Getting access and setting up SP1 and RISC0 zkVMs, issues [Rostyslav]
      • Started working on memory testing for SP1, RISC0 [Rostyslav]
      • Implemented memory allocation tests for zkWASM, zkMIPS [Oleksandr]
      • Started implementation of memory allocation test for Valida [Oleksandr]
      • Setted up working environment to operate with zkWASM, zkMIPS and Valida on remote server [Oleksandr]
    • Published the blogpost. [Moudy]