Vac 2024/07/29


  • nimlibp2p:vac:webrtc-transport
    • Change files architecture similarly to others WebRTC PRs
    • Make different changes in anticipation of Diego’s future comments
    • Solve TODOs
    • Adapt SCTP closing to DTLS change
    • Fix examples
  • nimlibp2p:vac:maintenance
    • Finish CI Cleanup PR
    • Double check gcc14 support
    • Check failing Windows test, locally it passes
    • Check failing interop test


  • admin:
    • 1 CC day off (Frederico)
    • Worked on ETHcc report (Juan)
  • nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake
    • advanced reports of studies 1 and 2 of the wealth concentration (Frederico)
    • reviewed the state of the whole Nomos project (Frederico)
  • status:L2-deployment
    • reviewed the state of the SN (Frederico)
    • reviewed the state of Cats Fishing project (Frederico)
    • assisting defining the incentive structures (Martin)
    • working towards a minimal economy formalization for cats fishing (Martin)
    • working towards a minimal economy formalization for cats fishing (Juan)
      • Document on monetisation for the game
    • Recorded swap agregator status document (Juan)
  • status:SNT-staking
    • identifying functional overlap with the need of the L2 incentive structure (Martin)
  • codex:cdx
    • reviewed the simulation code (Frederico)
    • working on simulation code (Juan)
  • codex:testnet-incentive
    • reviewing latest progress, identifying missing pieces (Martin)
  • waku:general-incentives


  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale:
    • Continue work with Gabriel re: stuck node bug
      • ~150 simulations performed with different versions to hunt down bug
        • Was able to reproduce the bug
        • All signs point to nim-chronos/chronicles.
    • Found issue with publisher
    • Redeployed VictoriaLogs to fix issues with Midscale logging
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k
    • Redeployed and tuned VictoriaMetrics for 10K simulation scale
      • About 7 changes discovered, primarily to do with resource allocation
    • Various 10K simulations to gather data/test stability
  • vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:codex:testnet
    • Call with Ben from Codex to ensure testnet deployment works
      • Still hitting permissions bugs
  • admin/misc
    • Provided TKE team with a dedicated fileshare + password protected frontend


  • waku:test-automation-status-go-cli
    • added hybernate tests(@Florin)
    • fixed management of big log files(@Florin)
    • make tests more stable(@Florin)
  • waku:interop-testing-02
  • vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p
    • started creating test plan for PubSub(@Florin)
    • Finish CI Cleanup PR(@Alex)
    • Double check gcc14 support(@Alex)
    • Check failing Windows test, locally it passes(@Alex)
    • Check failing interop test(@Alex)
  • nomos:test-automation-data-availability
  • waku:test-automation-rln
    • Fix gcc14 support, but gabriel beat me to the PR (@Alex)
    • Bring RLN PR up to date and fix tests(@Alex)
      • Found couple flaky tests, I think, need further checking



  • status:staking-contracts-v1
    • Created explainer videos about staking protocol, it’s implementation and challenges we’re solving
    • Met with Status Chain + TKE to discuss path forward
      • Considering dropping XP/MP compounding in staking protocol and simplifying it
      • XP program and next staking version still to be finalized
  • codex::contracts-formal-verification



  • admin/misc
    • ooo


  • gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-simulation
    • Was able to compile nim-testground-sdk and run basic ping tests. Some manually selected commit dependencies to avoid compilation failures of newest commits.
    • Was able to integrate simulation script with sdk, and install nim-libp2p (commit dating to staggered sending) along with other dependencies (manually). Still facing a few compilation errors (expecting to fix these errors in a couple of days).
  • gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey
    • Looked into the possibility of handling large message counts in gossipsub. Required looking into some abstract details about farcaster network.
  • zk:codex:zk-consulting
  • Finished notes on Testudo.
  • Continued work on document for Codex’s storage proof.


  • state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01
      • Worked and expanded different components of state separation (executions, addresses, keys, nullification) [Moudy]
    • Make progress with the blogpost [Moudy]
    • Assisted with keys and addresses. [Moudy + Marvin + Ugur] [DR][ACZ]
      • Examine how Ola/zcash keys system works: Ola1, Ola2, and zcash technical specs.
      • Discussed potential modifications to streamline this approach for Nescience, and possible concrete choices to be made.
    • Assisted with lifecycles of UTXOs; provided answers to various questions. [Moudy + Marvin + Ugur] [DR][ACZ]
  • zkvm:vac:vm-foundations
    • Work on the lits of ZkVMs:
      • Went through partial homomorphic encryption schemes’ materials. [Rostyslav]
      • Set up SP1, RISC0. [Rostyslav]
      • Continue looking for suitable repos + testing the base case. [Rostyslav]
      • Read RISC0’s Poseidon254 implementation. [Oleksandr]
      • Read Reinforced Concrete whitepaper. [Oleksandr]
      • Set up Valida, zkMIPS, zkWASM. [Oleksandr]